Saami handicrafts

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Saami handicrafts

Saami handicraftsmen and women of today are gaining their skills in the way mentioned before. The older generation has learned through working at home. There are areas where these traditions are kept alive. In Guovdageaidnu/Kautokeino, for instance, there is a shoemaker, costume maker and a maker of other types of Saami clothing in each family. The handicraft tradition is very strong in that area.

The birch, knots or burls of birch, roots, antler, tanned reindeer hide, leg skins of reindeer, yarn, broadcloth, pewter thread, pewter, sinews and other natural products are still important as raw materials to the artists. The original shapes and cuts are also important. In addition to this, the artists also use other types of raw materials and new shapes or models for their handicraft.

Designing clothes has recently become quite popular. Some, like Anne Biret Peltoperä, from Kárášjohka/Karasjok, design clothes. She makes both traditional clothes for the local people and outdoor clothing with the basis of traditional clothes. Most of her buyers are local people. Karin Vasara, from Kiruna on the Swedish side of Sápmi, makes modern skin and fur clothes. Her raw materials are industrially tanned reindeer skin, kidskin, marten skin and other types of skin. Matleena Fofanoff, from Čeabetjávrris/Sevettijärvi, has taken up the old tradition of preparing fish skin and she makes fish skin wrist straps and purses of traditional shapes. Maj Doris Rimpi, from Jokkmokk in the Swedish side of Sápmi, has for a long time used tanned reindeer hide in her pictures that she also embroids with pewter thread. Randi Marainen, from Nedre Soppero on the Swedish side, is an artist who uses silver, wood, tanned reindeer hide, antler, broadcloth and yarn in her handicraft. She makes clothes for her family and sells her products made of silver, wood and antler. Lena Persson, from Hallen on the Swedish side, is another artist who masters both traditional handicraft and modern Saami design.

There are many Saami artists who work with antler and use the horn for different purposes. Among them can be mentioned: Petteri Laiti, from Anár/Inari on the Finnish side of Sápmi, Sakari Saijets, from Guovdageaidnu/Kautokeino, Håvard Larsen, from Lavangen, Arvid Jåma, all from the Norwegian side of Sápmi, Randi Marainen, from Øvre Soppero and Per Isak Juuso, from Nearvá/Mertajärvi both from the Swedish side of Sápmi. Among the Saami silver- and gold smiths the following can be mentioned Torill Labba, Vuolit Övre Soppero, Petteri Laiti, Anár/Inari and Risten Anne Hætta, Guovdageaidnu/Kautokeino.

Duodji: tools, materials etc..

Table of contents: Living and household, clothing etc.

Gunvor Guttorm

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