Teksti "justify">The Saami of the fells used to use a staff made from a straight length of birch on long journeys. The top of the stick was shaped into a handle, some times in the form of a knob. The summer stick reached half-way up the upper arm; the winter staff was longer and it sometimes had an iron tip for testing the ice in autumn.</P>

Loikkaa: valikkoon, hakuun
Lista kaikista sivuista, joilla ominaisuuden TekstiTämä on erikoisominaisuus. arvona on "justify">The Saami of the fells used to use a staff made from a straight length of birch on long journeys. The top of the stick was shaped into a handle, some times in the form of a knob. The summer stick reached half-way up the upper arm; the winter staff was longer and it sometimes had an iron tip for testing the ice in autumn.</P>.
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