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Linguistic genocide
Id 0212  +
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Categories Education  + , Articles in English  +
MuokkausaikaThis property is a special property in this wiki. 10 heinäkuu 2014 12:50:17  +
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TekstiThis property is a special property in this wiki. <P align="justify"> Linguistic genoc<P align="justify"> Linguistic genocide prohibits the use of the language of the group in daily intercourse or in schools or the printing and circulation of publications in the language of the group. This was how linguistic genocide was defined in Article 3 (1) of the last draft of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (E 794, 1948). When the UN General Assembly discussed the draft and approved the final form of the Convention, Article 3 was omitted in its totality. Although linguistic genocide is thus not included in the Convention, the UN member states of the time were unanimous in their view that linguistic genocide could be defined in this way. Therefore the use of this definition is justified here. The word prevent used in the definition may refer to direct physical punishment, for example hitting a child or depriving her or him of food for speaking her or his own language. It may also refer to indirect, structural or mental coercion. If there are no teachers in a school who are members of a linguistic minority, and if most of the teaching is in another language, a child is prevented from using her or his own language in school. If (s)he is made to feel ashamed of her or his language with the result that (s)he ceases to use it in daily intercourse, its use is likewise prevented. If libraries and publishing houses discriminate against literature in the minority language, it is thereby prevented from being printed and circulated.</P><P align="justify"> The defining Articles 2 (e) and 2 (b) of the present Convention also agreed on the education of indigenous peoples and minorities. They define as genocide the following: forcibly transferring children from the group to another group (II (e)); and causing serious bodily or mental harm to the members of a group (2 (b)). If children are not taught in their own language, and this continues for several generations, minorities are forcibly assimilated and at least linguistically, and perhaps also culturally, they are incorporated in the majority group. Teaching in a foreign language which leads to one s own language being supplanted can cause children continued harm throughout their lives, psychologically by damaging their developmental potential and their identity, and materially by obstructing their educational success and their ability to pursue further education, to compete on the labour market and to contribute to decision-making in public life. Much of the education of indigenous peoples and minorities has been, and still is, linguistic genocide.</P>d still is, linguistic genocide.</P>  +
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