]> 2024-06-13T09:19:19+00:00 Ládjogahpir, a hat 0 11125 englanti 2021-11-24T07:09:42Z 2459542.7984028 Ládjogahpir, a hat <P align="justify"><i>Ládjogahpira</i> was a historical hat in Finnmark from 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century.<BR><BR> [[Saami costume|Saami costume]]<BR><BR> [[Tiedosto:21ladjogahpir-AnnaLydiaJoha.jpg|thumb|600px|Ládjogahpir]]</P><BR> [[Table of contents: Living and household, clothing etc.| Table of contents: Living and household, clothing etc.]]<BR><BR> Ládjogahpira, a hat 0 Otsikko 102 102