]> 2024-06-13T10:36:51+00:00 Saami flag 0 0581 englanti 2014-11-26T10:40:10Z 2456987.9445602 Saami flag <P align="justify"> National flag was given official status at the 13th Saami Conference in Åre, Sweden on 15 August 1986. A competition was held for the flag, with many submitted entries. The winning entry was by the artist Astrid Båhl.</p> [[Tiedosto:1.jpg|thumb|600px|Rose-Marie Huuva presenting the new Saami flag at the 1986 Saami Conference in Åre, Sweden.]] <P align="justify"> The motif of the flag is derived from a shaman s drum and the peom <i>Beaivvi bártnit</i> (Sons of the Day) by the South Saami poet [[Fjellner, Anders (engl. ver.)|Anders Fjellner]] (1795-1876). Fjellner describes the Saami as sons and daughters of the sun. The circle of the flag depicts the sun (red) and the moon (blue). The flag bears the Saami colours red, yellow and blue. </P><BR><BR> Otsikko 102