]> 2024-06-13T09:54:08+00:00 Animatism 0 1042 englanti 2014-07-31T13:13:06Z 2456870.0507639 Animatism <P align="justify"> Animatism means the ascription of psychic qualities to inanimate nature, attaching to it faculties (knowledge, feeling, desire) and abilities (such as that of being able to influence the environment) that are typical of a living creature, but without attaching to it any clearly identifiable soul or personality ([[Animism|Animism]]). For example, it is possible to ascribe such qualities to thunder without believing in any particular god of thunder. In the evolutionist theory of religion it was assumed that animatism was a phenomenon that explained the origins of religion, and that it preceded animism in the evolution of religion.</P> Otsikko 102