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Saamelaiskulttuurin ensyklopedia
Loikkaa: valikkoon, hakuun
Rivi 5: Rivi 5:
|artikkeliteksti=<P align="justify">The articles in the Encyclopaedia of Saami culture present i.e, Saami languages, history, oral tradition, literature, music, economy, environment, livelihoods, rights, education, arts, and societal conditions. The cultural concepts and terms that are characteristic to Saami culture are discussed primarily from an intra-cultural perspective. The biographical articles present important historical and contemporary cultural figures, including: Saami authors, artists, singers, politicians, and also some of the earliest researchers of Sápmi. The Encyclopaedia also contains so-called reference entries, and an etymological list of 50 Saami culture terms. Nature is regarded as the material basis of Saami culture and is discussed in the articles of landscape, nature, snow, flora and fauna.</p>
|artikkeliteksti=<P align="justify">The articles in the Encyclopaedia of Saami culture present i.e, Saami languages, history, oral tradition, literature, music, economy, environment, livelihoods, rights, education, arts, and societal conditions. The cultural concepts and terms that are characteristic to Saami culture are discussed primarily from an intra-cultural perspective. The biographical articles present important historical and contemporary cultural figures, including: Saami authors, artists, singers, politicians, and also some of the earliest researchers of Sápmi. The Encyclopaedia also contains so-called reference entries, and an etymological list of 50 Saami culture terms. Nature is regarded as the material basis of Saami culture and is discussed in the articles of landscape, nature, snow, flora and fauna.</p>
<P align="justify">The keywords for each articles are categorized in different entities in alphabetical order. There are 18 different entities in the Encyclopaedia, which are <i>Archaeology, Christianity and missionary work, Education, Environment, Etymology, History, Languages and peoples, Literature and arts, Material culture, Means of livelihood and transport, Media, Notable people in Saami history and society, Population and demography, Practices and customs, Regions and place names, Reseach and research history, Saami organizations and associations and Traditional spiritualism and oral tradition</i>. Specific articles or themes can be searched by using the search tool, and the Encyclopaedia can also be browsed through the table of contents. When searching for a specific theme or page via the search tool, articles containing the keyword in their title or text will appear.</p>
<P align="justify">The keywords for each articles are categorized in different entities in alphabetical order. There are 18 different entities in the Encyclopaedia, which are <i>[[Table of contents: Archaeology|Archaeology]], [[Table of contents: Christianity and missionary work|Christianity and missionary work]], [[Table of contents: Education|Education]], [[Table of contents: Environment|Environment]], [[Table of contents: Etymology|Etymology]], [[Table of contents: History|History]], [[Table of contents: Languages and peoples|Languages and peoples]], [[Table of contents: Literature and arts|Literature and arts]], [[Table of contents: Material culture|Material culture]], [[Table of contents: Means of livelihood and transport|Means of livelihood and transport]], [[Table of contents: Media|Media]], [[Table of contents: Notable people in Saami history and society|Notable people in Saami history and society]], [[Table of contents: Population and demography|Population and demography]], [[Table of contents: Practices and customs|Practices and customs]], [[Table of contents: Regions and place names|Regions and place names]], [[Table of contents: Reseach and research history|Reseach and research history]], [[Table of contents: Saami organizations and associations|Saami organizations and associations]]</i> and <i>[[Table of contents: Traditional spiritualism and oral tradition|Traditional spiritualism and oral tradition]]</i>. Specific articles or themes can be searched by using the search tool, and the Encyclopaedia can also be browsed through the table of contents. When searching for a specific theme or page via the search tool, articles containing the keyword in their title or text will appear.</p>

Nykyinen versio 19. joulukuuta 2021 kello 10.13

Ensyklopedian käyttöohjeet

Saamelaiskulttuurin ensyklopedian artikkeleissa käsitellään mm. saamen kieltä, historiaa, suullista perinnettä, kirjallisuutta, musiikkia, taloutta, sekä ympäristöä, elinkeinoja, oikeuksia, koulutusta, taidetta ja yhteiskunnallisia oloja. Saamelaiskulttuurille ominaisia ilmiöitä tarkastellaan ennen kaikkea kulttuurinsisäisestä näkökulmasta. Henkilöartikkeleissa esitellään kulttuurivaikuttajia ja kulttuurin tekijöitä: saamelaisia kirjailijoita, taiteilijoita, laulajia, poliitikkoja ja Saamenmaan varhaisimpia tutkijoita. Ensyklopediaan sisältyy myös noin 50 saamelaiskulttuuriin liittyvän sanan etymologinen lista. Ympäristöä eli saamelaiskulttuurin materiaalista perustaa käsitellään maisemaa, ympäristö- ja lumikäsitteitä, sekä eläimistöä ja kasvistoa kuvaavissa artikkeleissa.

Hakusana-artikkelit on jaoteltu eri aihekokonaisuuksien sisään aakkosjärjestyksessä. Kokonaisuuksia ensyklopediassa on 18, ja eri aihekokonaisuudet ovat Alueet ja paikannimet, Arkeologia, Elinkeinot ja liikkuminen, Historia, Kasvatus ja koulutus, Kielet ja nimitykset, Kirjallisuus ja taiteet, Kristinusko ja kirkko, Materiaalinen kulttuuri, Media, Perinteinen hengellisyys ja suullinen perinne, Saamelaisorganisaatiot ja järjestäytyminen, Sanojen etymologia, Tapakulttuuri, Tunnettuja saamelaisia ja muita henkilöitä, Tutkimus ja tutkimushistoria, Väestö ja väestöntutkimus sekä Ympäristö. Tiettyä artikkelia tai aihetta voi etsiä sivun hakutoiminnon avulla tai ensyklopediaa voi selailla sisällysluettelon kautta aihekokonaisuuksina. Tietyn aiheen tai sivun hakutuloksissa näkyvät ne artikkelit, joiden otsikossa tai itse tekstissä hakusana mainitaan.

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Instructions to use

The articles in the Encyclopaedia of Saami culture present i.e, Saami languages, history, oral tradition, literature, music, economy, environment, livelihoods, rights, education, arts, and societal conditions. The cultural concepts and terms that are characteristic to Saami culture are discussed primarily from an intra-cultural perspective. The biographical articles present important historical and contemporary cultural figures, including: Saami authors, artists, singers, politicians, and also some of the earliest researchers of Sápmi. The Encyclopaedia also contains so-called reference entries, and an etymological list of 50 Saami culture terms. Nature is regarded as the material basis of Saami culture and is discussed in the articles of landscape, nature, snow, flora and fauna.

The keywords for each articles are categorized in different entities in alphabetical order. There are 18 different entities in the Encyclopaedia, which are Archaeology, Christianity and missionary work, Education, Environment, Etymology, History, Languages and peoples, Literature and arts, Material culture, Means of livelihood and transport, Media, Notable people in Saami history and society, Population and demography, Practices and customs, Regions and place names, Reseach and research history, Saami organizations and associations and Traditional spiritualism and oral tradition. Specific articles or themes can be searched by using the search tool, and the Encyclopaedia can also be browsed through the table of contents. When searching for a specific theme or page via the search tool, articles containing the keyword in their title or text will appear.

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